Chamisa Smudging Stick - 11''

Chamisa Smudging Stick - 11''
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Our Price:  £9.50Earn 9 Loyalty Points


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Chamisa Smudging Stick

Utilising the smoke and vibration from the sacred practice of 'Smudging' - combine your intention with our smudging sticks to aid in purifying, cleansing and blessing your space. Clear out any unwanted negative vibrations and draw in positive energy to create the environment that you want.



Size: Approximately 11'' in length.

Chamisa Smudge Stick Energetic Properties
- Protection
- Negative energy removal
- Spiritual guidance
- Space blessing

None of our smudge sticks are sealed in plastic - all smudge sticks are sold loose and will only be packaged before being sent to protect them in transit.

Price is for one smudging stick.

In Native American culture, sage smudge sticks are widely used in special ceremonies to clear negative energies and attract more positive energy. Many people use smudge sticks to clear their homes of stagnant energies, or to cleanse the aura prior to meditation or prayer. Others such as Reiki practitioners and holistic therapists use sage as part of a cleansing ritual before treatments. House or dwelling cleansing using sages is often incorporated into Feng Shui too. There are several different types of sage and we also stock sweetgrass and several resins. Some herbs can be burnt directly (such as bound sticks and loose white sage), but others can be broken up and left to smoulder on hot charcoal tablets.

Smudging is usually carried out as a simple ceremony, aimed at clearing away negative energies to attract ones that are more positive. Native Americans have traditionally used many herbs for this purpose, with the belief that each has a different effect on the individual's aura and well being. We find that it's best to light the end of the smudge stick, but you may also break off fragments so the can be burnt in a safe container (shells are often used). The idea with smudging is to allow the sage to smoulder and create a fine smoke, that you waft with your hand (many use a feather for this purpose) in a slow methodical way.

We recommend that when you carry the sage around the house you use a special container such as a shell or earthen pot (or just use a saucer) to ensure no burning embers fall onto the floor. When smudging a room, waft the smoke into all of the corners. Many people say prayers or mantras whilst wafting the smoke, but whatever you do try to enjoy a gentle moment of calm intent. Afterwards, carefully extinguish the sage and then open the doors and windows to encourage a good airflow. The belief is that using cleansing sage during a smudging ceremony will remove any stagnant, bad energies so they can be blown away with the wind.

One thing we get asked over and over is requests from customers asking when items will be back in stock so we thought we would create this little information tab to give a bit more context to our answers.

In short, if an item on the website is showing as out of stock - then chances are fairly high that we don't have it (even in the shop itself) - but the page will give you an option to pop in your email address so that when the item is restocked, it will send you a notification.

With regards to lead times on when things will be back, we cannot give you a timescale for any of the items. As many of you may, or may not know, we make 95% of the items ourselves. Because of this, everything is made on rotation, during various phases of the moon, and needs to be charged in some format before it hits our shelves. There is no timescale for this, we make things as quickly as we can in as big a batch as we can without is becoming a commercial production line. You will notice that certain things go out of stock quicker than others - this tends to be because when items come back, customers will buy multiples of that item - and so that bigger batch sells just as quick.

So, if you are looking for an item that says its out of stock, please do not chase us asking when they will be back in - we won't be able to give you any times. Please just pop your email address in the notification box and you'll get a reminder as soon as we have made some more.

Some customers have 'politely' informed us that we clearly need more staff or need to make bigger batches of things. Unfortunately, we aren't going to do either. We want to keep this a small independent, non-production-line based business - and we also want to make sure that the products we created are made by us and charged by us.

We promise, the products that we produce are worth the wait. And most importantly - are authentic - as opposed to mass produced crap!

If you have any other questions or queries regarding this, please drop us a message using our Contact Form.

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