Yule - Sabbat Celebration Gift Box

Yule - Sabbat Celebration Gift Box
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Yule - Sabbat Celebration Gift Box

Our Sabbat Celebration Gift boxes are perfect for celebrating the sabbats no matter what your experience. The include a variety of magical tools that you can use during your ceremony, celebrations and rituals.



Yule Sabbat Celebration Gift Box

In the Celtic wheel of the year Yule signifies the sun being at its southernmost point in the sky. This day is the shortest of the year and as the night grow longer and all of nature seems to sleep it is a time for spiritual hibernation, peace and renewal. As we mark the descent of the wheel of the year and the height of the years darkness, we realise that the warmth and light of the sun will soon be returned to us.

Included in the Yule Sabbat Celebration Gift Box:

1x Yule Loose Incense Jar
1x Yule Sabbat Spray 30ml
1x Yule Magical Oil
1x White Spell Candle
1x Light Blue Spell Candle
1x Sky Blue Spell Candle
1x Yule Mini Triple Spiral Candle
1x Howlite Crystal
1x Milky Quartz Crystal
1x Sodalite Crystal
1x Yule Herb Blend
1x White Organza Bag
2x Charcoal Discs
1x Sabbat Information Sheet

Approximate Sizes

Price is for one Sabbat Celebration Gift Box.

The Wheel of Year

The Celtic calendar focused on the cyclical change of seasons. The original Celts celebrated four fire festivals, evenly spaced throughout the year, celebrating the transition of the sun throughout the seasons. These include Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine and Lughnasadh. These festivals are often combined with the solstices and equinoxes which are thought to be non-Celtic in origin, such as from Germanic Paganism or Neolithic sources. These ‘quarter festivals’ include Yule/Midwinter, Ostara, Litha/Midsummer and Mabon.

Seasonal changes were very important to the agricultural Celts, who depended on the Wheel of the Year to dictate when to plough, sow, harvest, and rest. The turning of the Wheel represents the continuing birth, death and rebirth of nature.

Please note that these dates correspond to the Northern Hemisphere.

When connecting with and celebrating the Wheel of the Year, we attune our energy to the cycles of Mother Earth and the natural world around us.

Samhain - 31st October (Halloween)
- Cross-quarter, Fire Festival
Samhain (SOW-in) represents the final harvest before the long winter. It’s a time to honour our ancestors and embrace the darker half of the year. This also marks the beginning of the New Year in many Pagan traditions.

Yule - 19th - 23rd December (Midwinter, Winter Solstice)
- Quarter Festival, Winter Solstice
Yule marks the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. From now on, the days become longer and we celebrate the return of the sun back to the earth. Also known as Alban Arthan (the Light of Arthur).

Imbolc - 2nd February (Candlemas)
- Cross-quarter, Fire Festival
Imbolc is a festival of fire and light, and in many Pagan traditions celebrates the Celtic hearth goddess, Brigid. It marks the midpoint between winter and spring. This is a festival of purification, a festival of light and fertility, and new beginnings.

Ostara - 19th - 23rd March (Spring Equinox)
- Quarter Festival, Spring Equinox
Ostara is the celebration of the spring equinox, and is a time to prepare for the beginnings of new life each year. The hours of day and night are equal, and light is overtaking darkness. Also known as Alban Eilir (the Light of the Earth).

Bealtaine - 1st May (May Day)
- Cross-quarter, Fire Festival
Bealtaine is a spring celebration that honours the fertility of the earth. A time of lust, passion, fire, and abundance.

Litha - 19th - 23rd June (Midsummer, Summer Solstice)
- Quarter Festival, Summer Solstice
Litha is the time of the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. It’s a celebration of light’s triumph over darkness and that of the bountiful beauty that light brings into our lives. Also known as Alban Hefin (the Light of the Shore).

Lughnasadh - 1st August (Lammas)
- Cross-quarter, Fire Festival
Lughnasadh (LOO-na-saa) is a celebration in honour of the Celtic god, Lugh. For others, this festival is observed as Lammas, and celebrates the early grain harvest. This is the first harvest festival, when plants drop their seeds to ensure future crops.

Mabon - 19th - 23rd September (Autumn Equinox)
- Quarter Festival, Autumn Equinox
Mabon is a time of thanksgiving that celebrates the second harvest, and the autumn equinox. The days and nights are once again equal, with the night continuing to grow longer. Also known as Alban Elfed (Light of the Water).

For more information on the Celtic Wheel of the Year why not take a look at the Asgard Academy for details on our Pagan and Witchcraft classes.

One thing we get asked over and over is requests from customers asking when items will be back in stock so we thought we would create this little information tab to give a bit more context to our answers.

In short, if an item on the website is showing as out of stock - then chances are fairly high that we don't have it (even in the shop itself) - but the page will give you an option to pop in your email address so that when the item is restocked, it will send you a notification.

With regards to lead times on when things will be back, we cannot give you a timescale for any of the items. As many of you may, or may not know, we make 95% of the items ourselves. Because of this, everything is made on rotation, during various phases of the moon, and needs to be charged in some format before it hits our shelves. There is no timescale for this, we make things as quickly as we can in as big a batch as we can without is becoming a commercial production line. You will notice that certain things go out of stock quicker than others - this tends to be because when items come back, customers will buy multiples of that item - and so that bigger batch sells just as quick.

So, if you are looking for an item that says its out of stock, please do not chase us asking when they will be back in - we won't be able to give you any times. Please just pop your email address in the notification box and you'll get a reminder as soon as we have made some more.

Some customers have 'politely' informed us that we clearly need more staff or need to make bigger batches of things. Unfortunately, we aren't going to do either. We want to keep this a small independent, non-production-line based business - and we also want to make sure that the products we created are made by us and charged by us.

We promise, the products that we produce are worth the wait. And most importantly - are authentic - as opposed to mass produced crap!

If you have any other questions or queries regarding this, please drop us a message using our Contact Form.

Average Rating (2 Reviews):  
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Long time buyer, First online order
28 December 2023  | 

I often visit Glastonbury, and find the sons of asgard shop fascinating and full of wonderful stuff. The staff are helpful and knowledgeable. Just before Christmas, i ordered a yule gift box, which i am happy with. The website was easy to navigate, i got updated on how the delivery was progressing. The delivery was on time and very well packaged. I am confident in ordering again from the online shop.

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Beautiful items to celebrate Yule
07 December 2023  | 

The items in this box are absolutely stunning. They really reflect the Yule sabbat, and I was eager to get it to celebrate my first Yule. The little pamphlet inside explains how to use the items in the box which is ideal if you have never used them before.

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